Yamaboko Junko Procession, Gion Matsuri (Ato)

After the large procession of July 17th, there is a general repeat of everything. Hoko-tate and Yama-tate (construction of the various floats) take place between July 18 and 21, followed by the Hiki-zome and Kaki-zome, the test runs that are done on July 20 and 21. After this, we have again two (three) nights of “street party” with food and drink stands while we can look at and visit the various floats.  At the same time, it is a great opportunity to visit some old traditional machiya (townhouse) and see some old family treasures.   

Then the Yamaboko Junko (Ato), the second procession of floats takes place on July 24th. It is much smaller, with both fewer floats and fewer people around, and the route it follows is different. It is still a great source of interesting photos.

On the same day, two more events are taking place, the Hanagasa Procession and the Kanko-sai (during which the three deities are returned to the Yasaka Jinja Shrine).