Category: Event
Ohmato Taikai at the Sanjūsangen-dō Temple
The “Ohmato Taikai” is a 400 year old archery competition held at the Sanjūsangen-dō Temple in January.
This temple in Kyoto has always attracted Kyudo (Japanese archery) enthusiasts. The main hall building is the longest wooden building in Japan — it is 120 meters long.
Misedashi in Gion Kobu
Today was a big day for a young girl. Yes, after completing her pre-apprenticeship or training for several months (sometimes up to a year), Maiko Haruchizu (Tama Okiya) has finally been introduced to the people of her Hanamachi (geisha district). This is what is called a “Misedashi” or formal introduction/debut.
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New Year’s Greeting around Kamishichiken
Taking place on January 4th, the Shin Aisatsu (新挨拶) or New Year’s Greeting of the Kamishichiken Hanamachi (Geisha District) is the first “event” of the year around Kyoto’s Kagai (another word for the so-called “flower town” or geisha world of Kyoto).
Read MoreComing of Age Day
Coming of Age Day (成人の日 or Seijin no Hi) is a Japanese holiday held annually on the second Monday of January. It is held in order to congratulate and encourage all those who have turned 20 years old over the past year and to help them realize that they have become adults.
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The Photographers…
Expert’s choice No.2!
As photographers, I think we have all been in a situation like this and it’s very easy to follow the crowd! By turning the camera around towards the group of photographers, Patosan has made a lovely and gently humorous image. I love the concentration on everyone’s face!
Expert review by Mark Mercer From Contest “Crowds” on Photocrowd
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Heian Jingu Shrine Reisai Annual Festival
This is the most important annual event of the Heian Jingu Shrine. It is meant to celebrate the accession ceremony day held in 781 of Emperor Kanmu who is the deity of the shrine.
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