A lot of specific details related to the Gion Matsuri can be seen all around Kyoto during the month of July. One of these is the way every senior maiko styles her hair in the Katsuyama hairstyle during the time of the festival.
This Katsuyama hairstyle consists of the regular two wings and a big bun in the middle, but this is longer (and therefore not as wide) and rounded at the bottom. Around the bun, there is a red or pink ribbon made of silk with a white pattern on it. The most distinctive detail about the Katsuyama hairstyle is the round “kanzashi” with a pink flower on it, called “bon-ten kanzashi“, that is stuck through the bun and is visible on the left and on the right side of it.
The Katsuyama hairstyle is said to have been invented by a Tayuu from Tokyo (courtesan) called Katsuyama and derives directly from the Tayuu-tradition. Historically, it was a hairstyle for married women.
The Maiko also wear their regular kanzashi with it.
Photos of Maiko Fukutomo taken at the beer garden in Miyagawa-Cho.